Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Tree

Yes, we did put the Christmas tree up this weekend, but as usual, I can't get the pictures to post in the order I want them, so this one should be at the end. We got the hot tub fixed and all got in it this morning. It felt really good!

Here is the tree and the kids, Dustin, dogs and Fred the Elf.

Roxanne must think she is part of the Nativity (which I don't have up yet) but she has been sleeping under the tree all day!

Ed is always in charge of sorting the ornaments by child and giving them to us to put on the tree. Kelli is patiently waiting for her next ornament to hang.

Here is Kaila hanging her new ornament this year.

Dustin lifted Eddie up so he could put one up high on the tree.

Dustin is hanging an ornament that his mom, Shelley, made several years ago.

Ed always puts the angel on the top. The tree is too tall, so most of the time she is slightly bent.

1 comment:

The Keenen's said...

Nice tree, but keep the dogs away.