Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ed the Chef and Other Things

As most of you know, Ed loves to watch Good Eats with Alton Brown. We watched a show a few weeks ago and Ed decided he had to try this recipe. It is for rolled meat. He stuffed it with a mixture of croutons, cheese, herbs and eggs. He baked it in the oven and it was delicious.

Here is a picture of it sliced and ready to eat. The red sauce is tomato sauce. We served it with a side of spaghetti.

The girls didn't tell me it was orange shirt night or I would have worn mine too!

Ed, Shelley and Dustin played golf on Friday. It was the first time Ed golfed in a while. They were all out in the front yard hitting golf balls around. Doesnt Ed look cute in his SpongeBob Square Pants and golf shoes?!?!?!?

1 comment:

Peg said...

Yummy! Dinner looks GREAT!