Saturday, August 25, 2007


We have rain! Yes, today for the first time in approximately 31 days, it has rained! It rained for about 40 minutes. I know this is not a big deal to some of you who have had a ton of rain this year, but to those of us who live in Georgia and have a deficit of about 17 inches of rain, and their grass is turning prematurely brown, this is a big deal! And for once it is raining and we are not camping! The last three times we camped, it rained and I do mean rain and we had to pack every thing up wet and bring it home and unpack it to dry out! The last time we camped we lost a canopy that we put over the picnic table to give us some shade and the arms of the awning on the camper were ripped off of the camper. Needless to say we have not been camping since the end of July. Hopefully we will camp a couple of more times in October.

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