It has been a busy couple of weeks since school started.
Ed and I spent a weekend in Helen, GA. Dustin watched the kids for us. We left on Friday evening and got to our cabin around 7pm. Our cabin was a one bedroom with a screened in deck. It was in the woods, but thankfully we had airconditioning because it was a warm weekend. We went to into the town of Helen on Saturday. Helen is a German town and we had a great dinner at a German resturant. We left Sunday and went to Anna Ruby Falls in Helen on the way home. The falls is the result of three rivers that come together. We walked the half a mile up to the falls.
I planted a tomato plant on the back deck along with some herbs. The herbs did really well and I cut and froze them all summer. The tomato plant finally produced some tomatoes a few weeks ago. They were not the prettiest tomatoes, but they were tasty. I still have a few green ones on the plant.
Ed and I became a great aunt and uncle again the end of July. Catharine was welcomed into the world by Ed's sister's daughter and son in law, Carrie, Jeff and their daughter, Claire.
Kelli had several good hits, but doesnt like to serve at all, so she needs to practice that.
Dont pay attention the the number on her jersy because they had a mixup with the numbers and her number is now 30!
So now everything is caught up. Kaila has her first football game on Friday and Kelli has another game tomorrow, so I will try to update again soon!
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