Monday, August 10, 2009

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for the kids.

Kaila is starting her senior year at one of the county high schools. She is again this year involved in the band as part of the color guard. Yes Kaila is holding her spiderman lunchbox!!

Kelli is starting her freshmen year at a different high school then Kaila. (Our neighborhood was redistricted so that is why Kelli is going to a different school then Kaila). Kelli is playing on the volleyball team.

Eddie is starting this year in 6th grade at one of the countys brand new middle schools. He is still very involved in Boy Scouts. Eddie did put shoes on before he went to school, I just got the picture before he put them on!
The first day of school went well for everyone. I had a ton of papers to sign for each child!
At my school we had a fire alarm that went off because of the new oven in the cafeteria. We evacuated the building in a very timely fashion and everything turned out fine.
It is going to be a great new school year!

1 comment:

Peg said...

Everyone looks GREAT!