Last night we went to Kailas first home football game. It was a nice evening for a football game. Her high school won, 28-14. We did have one player injured in the third quarter that had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. I don't know his condition at this point.
The arrows will point out Kaila since it is hard to pick out which girl in black she is.
It was a good halftime show. They only have about half of the show ready. I can't wait to see the whole thing!
Their uniforms are not in yet, so that is why they are perfoming in all black. They will have different colored flags too, but they are not done yet either.

This picture just cracks me up! No her legs are not really dirty, this is her tan line!!! She has special dance shoes that she wears and this what her feet look like. She wears gloves on her hands, but it is not as noticeable as her feet!
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