The first one being this 8 track player. I got this as a Christmas gift one year. The kids said "What is that thing?" and when I told them it was an 8 track player they still said what is that? So I had to dig out an old 8 track and show them how it worked. (And it does still work believe it or not) And yes, that is an Olivia Newton John 8 track! (Boy I am really showing my age here!) Eddie said the player looked like a bomb on a carton!
These next few pictures are current pictures of the garage in the state of setting up for the yard sale. It is full. We should have called it a toy and clothes sale. I still have clothes from when the girls were in the lower elementary school grades and Eddies from preschool (I am telling you it has been a while since we have had a sale)
More toys, more clothes!
The middle of the floor is mostly clothes! I still have five bags and a box to go through! I think I might just take those clothes to the donation box that sits at our local Home Depot instead of going through them all!
More reminiscing.... These are some of Kailas very favorite books when she was little. I think Ed and I could still repeat them verbatim, we read them to her so much! Books is one thing I will not get rid of. I dont know why, but my kids loved books and still do. It is one of the things I refuse to let go of. (I also refuse to get rid of my baby crib. Not that I plan to have any more children, but when my children were little and we went to Grammy and Pops house, they slept in the same crib I did as a baby and I thought that was neat. I will have a crib for my grandchildren some day!)
This little item also caused many questions from the kids. This is a Merlin. Also another toy I recieved as a present for Christmas on year. The date on this one is 1978. I remember wanting it so much and of course, Santa came through again that year. Eddie wants me to put batteries in it so he took the back off and when he realized it took 6 batteries (now a days toys take maybe 2 batteries, not 6!) and we only had two of that kind, he put the back on it and asked how he could hook it up to the computer to play it!!! This also, will not be going in the yard sale pile because if the kids have their way, it will have batteries soon and they will be playing with it!
I am looking forward to the yard sale being over and making lots of money! I will let you know how it goes!
Wow.. did the memories come rushing back! I didn't know you still had the 8-track player!! And I remember Merlin! You played it the whole way to St. Mary's to Grandma and Grandpa's house and wouldn't share! ;-) lol
Looks like a BIG sale tomorrow. I knew you had the 8 track....I have an 8 track you can have, but can't remember who it is. I forgot all about Merlin and don't remember how to play it. I will be glad to provide the 6 batteries for it!!
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