I have wanted a Betta Fish since the time I kept one for a kindergarten teacher over Christmas break one year. That fish was named Jimmy. I left school with Jimmy on the last day before break. Unfortunatly, on the way home, I had to stop by the doctors office because Kaila had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic she was on. We stopped to get a different antibiotic. Jimmy was content in his carrying tank and the trip didn't take long, but it was December and cold outside. When we got home and I had to move Jimmy to his regular tank, he was not moving very much! I was worried that I had killed him. But soon realized that his water was very cold! I added some warmer water and he did fine for the rest of the time! Today, the kids and I went to get algae eaters for our big tank and they saw the betta fish. We talked about how we had kept Jimmy and the kids talked me into getting one. We have not named ours yet. We all thought up a name and put them on a "ballot" for Ed to choose the winning name. What ever name Ed chooses will be this fishes name. I will keep you posted. This is a male betta and is very brightly colored as you can see. As soon as we name him, I will post again. Stay tuned!
Ed came home from work and we gave him the list of names that the kids and I came up with:
Fly boy McMuffin pants: Kailas name
Willie: Kellis name
Buddy: Eddies name
Henry: my name.
Ed picked Henry. So Henry it is.
1 comment:
How about Timmy?????
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