Saturday, February 23, 2008

Kellis Gymnastics Meet

Kelli had a very good gymnastics meet today. She got first place on the vault and the floor exercise and she got second place on the beam and uneven bars.

This is Kelli vaulting. This is the first time she has ever done this vault. She was also the only one out of 35 gymnasts that did this vault.

This is Kelli on the beam.

And Kelli on the uneven bars. Her all around score was 36.25 out of 40. This is her best all around score ever!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy 13th Birthday, Kelli

It is hard to believe that Kelli is 13 years old! Mom was in Georgia, had flown in the day before to be with Kaila when Kelli was born. Ed made me chili the night before for dinner since I was already 3 days late! I guess it worked. The next morning, I was having contractions. It was a beautiful February day. We played outside with Kaila and went in to have lunch. Mom knew I was having contractions and said, "why don't you call the doctor?" I told her I would but not until after I had lunch! I knew I wouldn't get anything to eat once I got to the hospital. I went to the doctors office to be checked and was sent right to the hospital. That evening at 9:43pm Kelli Ann was born. She was a chubby baby and Ed nicknamed her Thunder Thighs. Thankfully that name did not stick!

Monday, February 18, 2008

New Addition to the Family: UPDATED!

I have wanted a Betta Fish since the time I kept one for a kindergarten teacher over Christmas break one year. That fish was named Jimmy. I left school with Jimmy on the last day before break. Unfortunatly, on the way home, I had to stop by the doctors office because Kaila had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic she was on. We stopped to get a different antibiotic. Jimmy was content in his carrying tank and the trip didn't take long, but it was December and cold outside. When we got home and I had to move Jimmy to his regular tank, he was not moving very much! I was worried that I had killed him. But soon realized that his water was very cold! I added some warmer water and he did fine for the rest of the time! Today, the kids and I went to get algae eaters for our big tank and they saw the betta fish. We talked about how we had kept Jimmy and the kids talked me into getting one. We have not named ours yet. We all thought up a name and put them on a "ballot" for Ed to choose the winning name. What ever name Ed chooses will be this fishes name. I will keep you posted. This is a male betta and is very brightly colored as you can see. As soon as we name him, I will post again. Stay tuned!

Ed came home from work and we gave him the list of names that the kids and I came up with:

Fly boy McMuffin pants: Kailas name
Willie: Kellis name
Buddy: Eddies name
Henry: my name.

Ed picked Henry. So Henry it is.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Beautiful Day

It was a beautiful day in Georgia today! The temp was in the low 70's. My friend Marci called me last night and asked if I could watch her two children this afternoon. She had an appointment she needed to go to and her husband was sick and didn't want to expose the children to the sickness. Of course I said yes. We played outside all afternoon. The ice cream man even came around, so of course we had to have ice cream!

The first picture is of Cade. He is almost 2 months old.

This is Eddie showing us he can eat ice cream and hula hoop at the same time! What talent!

This is Halea, Cades older sister. She is 3 years old. I have baby sat her since she was about Cades age.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pinewood Derby Race Results

Today was the Pinewood Derby race. Eddie was so excited about it. He worked hard on his car and thought it was the fastest one he had ever built. Well, he thought right. He got second place for his age group! The first place winner won by one 1/1000th of a SECOND!!! Eddie was so excited about his trophy and awards. They run each car four times (four different tracks) and then average the scores for each race.

This is a picture of him getting his trophy.

This is the results of the race. Needless to say he is very proud!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Pinewood Derby Car

Tonight is weigh-in for the Pinewood Derby race tomorrow for Eddies Boy Scout Den. This is a picture of his car that Ed and he made for the race. Eddie thinks this will be one of the fastest ones he has made yet. Tonight the cars will be weighed in, and measured to make sure they are the correct size. The car can not weigh any more then 5 ounces. His is about 4.6 ounces. We will keep you posted with the race results tomorrow!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sick, sick, sick

The Copenhaver house has been like an infirmary! Kaila was the first one. About a week ago, she was complaining of a headache, stuffiness, sinus pain and pressure and an ear ache. Took her to the doctor last Wednesday. Sinus infection, on antibiotics for 5 days (commonly referred to as the Z-pak). She was also taking Sudafed every four hours. She is feeling better!

Thursday I get a call from the school nurse at Kellis school, sore throat, cough, temp 99.8 (Kelli normally runs a 97.5 temp when she is healthy). The nurse gave her some Advil (cut off for temp for attending school is 100.0) and told her to come back after her next class to see how she felt. She didn't make it through the next class before she was back in the nurses office. I picked her up early from school and by the time we got home her temp was 102.5! The next day I took her to the doctor, strep throat. On antibiotics for 10 days, figured she would be better after 24 hours of the medicine. Saturday she was still not feeling well, still running a fever, and still coughing only worse. That night she went to bed with an application of Vicks Vapor Rub on her feet and socks on. Didn't cough all night! That stuff works miracles for coughs at night! She missed her first gymnastics meet, and we missed the Super Bowl party that we normally go to every year. This morning, Kelli still not feeling well. Stays with Ed and I go to work. I called the doctor and told them she isn't any better. Different antibiotic. This evening she is finally starting to feel better. I get a sub for tomorrow not knowing how Kelli will feel in the morning, but as I type, I hear her telling a friend who called to check on her that she will see her tomorrow, so I guess she is feeling better.

But, shhhhh, dont tell anyone, since I have a sub for work ( and they are tough to find, especially the good ones), I am going to keep the sub and play hooky tomorrow! Maybe Ed and I can have lunch together! Shhhhh! Now everyone pray Eddie doesn't get sick, or was he the one who started all this with strep two days before Christmas????