Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New House Decorated

Some pictures of the house with furniture.  First on is the breakfast area and part of kitchen.

Dining room

Family room

Kids Bathroom

Looking from upstairs into foyer area


Living Room

Master bedroom

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New House

My new house!

The back yard from the upstairs window

Master bath

Master tub

Master bedroom

looking down the upstairs hallway from the kids room into the master bedroom

Eddies room

second bath room upstairs

Kailas bedroom

another of Kailas bedroom

Kellis bedroom

laundry room

looking down into the foyer/front door from upstairs

I am standing in the living room, looking up the stairs

I am standing in the living room looking into the dining room

standing in the dining room looking into the living room

standing in the foyer, looking towards the back of the house. The room with the light hanging down is the kitchen table area

kitchen, refridge goes in the empty spot, door is the pantry

kitchen table area, to the right is the kitchen, to the left is the family room

the rest of the kitchen

standing in the kitchen, looking into the family room